Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jay the Intern

Stephen jumped right into politics and showcased Mitt Romney and his empathy for the average American worker. Recently at a fundraiser dinner in Mississippi, he said this:

"I know that people in this room are probably doing relatively well ... but not everyone in America is doing so well right now. ... The waiters and waitresses that come in and out of this room and offer us refreshments, they're not having a good year."

Sometimes people like Mitt just need to connect with the common people. Stephen has the same need to connect. He invited Jay the Intern to come out so that Jay could get some of that great Stephen Colbert sympathy. See, this really is just not good for either Mitt or Stephen. When you talk about people in front of them, especially if you are showing sympathy because you think their life is so miserable, it kind of ticks them off. Jay the Intern is doing quite well thank you very much. Other than the fact that he is paid Zero dollars each week and gets no lunch breaks. But at least he is around Stephen Colbert, so that must count for something.

Edifi. No it's not a way to use up your last five Scrabble tiles. It's a Christian tablet. No, not something you bring to Sunday School to draw on. Okay, let me explain. Stephen had a short segment about it. It's like an iPad, except it's for Christians. It's already family friendly in that there is a safe browser. It has lots of Bible translations. It's an e-reader. I'm not explaining it very well. Here's a YouTube video that shows more about it. It even comes with buttons, such as  Power and Volume. You might want to turn off the music while you watch the video. It's a bit, ummm, a bit, well, just turn it off when you watch the video.

"I'm all about formality. Anise..." A little humor there to welcome the mayor of Houston, Texas. Anise Parker was Stephen's guest. Did you know that Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States? Did you know that Mayor Anise Parker is one of the first openly gay mayors of a metropolitan center? Houston is doing quite well according to Stephen. No wonder if you listen to Mayor Anise Parker. They have jobs, good food, Johnson Space Center, jobs, large medical center, air conditioning, jobs, large port, and jobs. Sounds like a good place to visit. And obviously, lots of people live there.

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