Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Heavyweight Champion of the World

Mike Tyson was supposed to be on the show tonight, but he was a "no show." Tyson canceled this morning and Stephen had an excellent explanation for us about why Mike Tyson did not show up for an interview on The Colbert Report. Because of this, Stephen can now legitimately claim to be the Heavyweight Champion of the World. Mike Tyson has a one-man show on Broadway and Stephen urged folks to go see the show, or better yet, promise you will for weeks and then don't.

Moving on.  Stephen played a short clip from Fox News of Shepard Smith asking Carl Cameron if Mitt Romney was wearing Mom Jeans. Stephen admitted that he was a long time fan of Fox News, and also of the walk-in bathtubs that are advertised on that network. But I sure did not expect to hear a reference to Mom Jeans in political reporting on Fox News.

Stephen also talked briefly about the recent shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Folks can go over to GivingFirst.org to support victims of the Aurora Shooting.

Stephen's guest tonight, his actual, on-the-set guest, was Vikram Gandhi. This part gets kind of confusing for me and I think even Stephen was a bit confused. Kumare is a real film about a fake documentary about the true story about a false prophet. Maybe it's just better if you go to the website and see the movie trailer. You can also head over to Kumare.org and read a bit more about, well, about  Kumare.

Now comes the time when I put the labels on this post and I have a dilemma. Do I put Mike Tyson in as one of the labels? He did not show up to be on the show. However, Stephen did talk about him. What to do .... what to do. Oh, I'll just put his name out there and you can ignore it if you want to. Problem solved.

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