Friday, July 27, 2012

It's Not a Contest, But I'm Winning

Stephen totally enjoys the Olympics, but finds the sweet sound of victory to be the best part. It can sometimes be difficult for sound technicians to do their job. For example, trying to get the sound of oars in the water while a helicopter is buzzing overhead. So, they cheat. Wait, wait, it's not all that bad. They just get good samples of the sounds before the competitions and then use that during the games. No problem. Also no fun. Stephen had fun sounds for many of the competitions. I think ratings would soar if they used his ideas. We also found out what a fun place the Olympic Village is.

We learned more about Mitt Romney's visit to the UK and got to see video clips of him putting his best foot forward. Stephen can't wait to see him in Israel. I'm sure we will hear about that leg of the journey.

Is there such a thing as a fake teenager? Apparently, yes there is. Here's the story. In short, Chick-fil-A's president Dan Cathy only supports what he says is the biblical definition of marriage and family. Then the Muppets stopped supporting the restaurant. Then a Facebook account of one Abby Farle appeared suddenly and the photo looked exactly like a stock photo of a teenage girl. You know, one of those photos of smiling people that you can buy and use in your magazine ads and save the expense of having to hire a photographer and model. Wow, Chick-fil-A really fowled up!

Sir Peter Westmacott, British Ambassador to the U.S. was the guest tonight. First off, I have to say that I loved his red socks. The two cleared up how to address each other. Sir Peter is just a Sir, while Stephen is a Sir in addition to many other things, including Heavyweight Champion of the World.  We Americans do enjoy a special relationship, (lot of that going around lately) with the British in that we share a language, a culture, and business dealings to name just a few things. The two Sirs talked a lot about the Olympics and also about how to be an ambassador. So it was an interesting discussion with no conflict. It's a great way to head into the Olympics.

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