Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nuns On A Bus

Neil de Grasse Tyson is a friend of the show and yet Stephen practically ripped him to shreds last night. Tyson casually mentioned that there was an error in a movie. Stephen took that to mean that everything else was true. This worried Stephen at first because of his larger than normal belly, but then he figured out that he had just eaten, so not to worry.

 In church news, someone thinks that an image of Jesus can be seen in the mold in the shower. For Christ's sake, buy a sponge! The real churchy news is that some of our very own American nuns are becoming radical liberal women, at least according to the Pope. They are doing such radical liberal things as caring for the poor and feeding the hungry and taking care of the sick. What the Pope says they should be doing is paying attention to the doctrine on homosexuality ... you know ... social and political issues. (This is no time to be following the teachings of Jesus.) Case in point, Margaret Farley has written a book, "Just Love." I think it is some sort of self help book of sorts. To speak for these rabble rousers, Stephen had Sister Simone Campbell on the show. Her message was that these so-called radical nuns were faithful to the Gospel to work with the margins of society. There is going to be a bus tour to nine states to see where nuns are doing great things. They are going to educate Congress about how things like slashing the budget are so harmful to the poorest among us. I guess it has something to do with "Actions speak louder than words." According to Sister Campbell, "There's enough to go around if we all share." The Sister is with the National Catholic Social Justice Lobby. Go over to www.networklobby.org for lots more info.

 Stephen went on and on about a fruit protection device, but he should have paid more attention to what he told us. He could buy 64 new bananas for the price of the protection device. And really, how often do any of us throw our bananas from the third floor fire escape? If the world hands you smooshed bananas, do what I do, make Banana Bread.

Stephen's guest last night was Ramon Estevez. You may know him better as Martin Sheen. Stephen complimented him and Sheen reciprocated with, "The feeling is municipal." So, they both looked great. That was settled. "The Amazing Spiderman" will be out soon and Martin Sheen is in it. But Stephen focused on the thing they have in common. Being Presidential. For those of you who have trouble putting on your suit coat, you were in luck tonight as both men showed how easy it is to accomplish this with minimal effort. That was the best part of the show! Let me explain what the two men have in common. Martin Sheen played a liberal Catholic President on TV. Stephen is a conservative Catholic who ran for President. This was good that they found this common ground. Stephen was getting a bit feisty about what he claimed was Sheen's super lefty liberal leanings. So, everyone go see the movie and enjoy it. Stephen this means you too. It's just a movie.

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