Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm A Very Famous Person

Immigration. Stephen talked about that last night especially as it relates to Arizona. While the Supreme Court pretty much slapped Arizona's hand, Stephen was quick to point out that states have their own state birds. However, some states do have the same bird, for example the Northern Cardinal, as their State Bird. Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia all have the Northern Cardinal. In fact, if you look at the photos, it appears that they all have the exact same Northern Cardinal.

But yes, each state has their own State Bird and should therefore be able to have their own Immigration Standards. And Currency (with Jan Brewer's portrait?). And Standing Army. And Olympic Team. And Space Program. And debts to China.

Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger last night looked at Pixar's latest treat for us - Brave. If you go to the website for Brave, you can see a preview. So that's like watching part of the movie for free. Go ahead, watch it now, then come back here. I haven't see the movie, but I know how to make it work out for everyone. Merida should go to a shoe store, buy a glass boot and then find the guy who fits the boot. Once upon a time that would be good enough. Times are different now.  A simple story about a girl with a mind of her own sends some people looking for secret agendas. I'm anxious to see this movie. I think it will be charming. From the preview, you see the girl molded into her appropriate dress, just like people try to mold her into her perfect stereotyped role. More power to a girl who breaks that mold.

If you watched The Colbert Report last night, I'm willing to bet you found yourself all of a sudden hungry for chicken. And not just any chicken, but some Kentucky Fried Chicken. Stephen talked turkey, oops, chicken, and commercials and Dish Network. Seems they have come up with a way for you to skip right through the commercials. You might think that's a great thing, but as you may have noticed, advertising is all over. If people are not watching the commercials during breaks in The Colbert Report, then the only alternative is for the commercials to be on during the actual show. Thus, we got to see most every kind of chicken you can get over at Kentucky Fried Chicken. And if you get so hungry with all this talk about Kentucky Fried Chicken, you can go to the the website for KFC and find out everything you want to know about KFC. You can even find the nearest KFCs using the Store Locator.

Last night's guest, Richard Ford, is a novelist. Right away Stephen had a problem with that because that means he writes fiction which is made up which means it's all a bunch of lies. Then Stephen had a problem with Richard Ford's latest book, "Canada" because it's about Canada and not about the USA. He also boasted, well not boasted, but told Richard Ford "I'm a very famous person."  Once all that posturing was over and done with, they had a nice conversation. We learned how Richard Ford drove to Canada one day, and felt like the weight of the world was lifted. It took him three years to write the book but it's been in his mind since 1989. "I was in Kindergarten then," Stephen noted. Ah yes, Stephen found a clever way to tell Richard Ford he is old. No matter. "Is it true you keep your notes and manuscripts in the freezer?" Stephen asked him. Apparently yes! If there's a fire, the freezer will probably be the last thing to burn, so his manuscript would be safe. Both agreed the ideas would also be fresher.

Stephen did admit to visiting Canada, Vancouver to be precise. Canada is our neighbor, after all, so I am quite sure Stephen actually thinks of Canadians as friends. You know what would be more fun than reading the book, "Canada?" Reading it in Canada!

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