Monday, June 18, 2012

Last Week in a Nutshell

Everything that happens on The Colbert Report is important. Sometimes it is difficult to decide what to talk about. So, if your favorite part is missing, I sincerely apologize. But here are some of the highlights from last week.

Stephen had a fun time talking about Mitt Romney's athletic endeavors. Included in that would also be Mitt Romney talking about various sports, or sport as he likes to call it. "The tall man was not in sport." That's a hoot. It really tickled Stephen's funny bone. The other thing that tickled Stephen's funny bone was dressage, you know, horse ballet. Turns out that is the sport that Mitt Romney is most famous for. In fact, it may be that we see a Romney in the Olympics, in that his horse is doing pretty darn good in horse ballet. Stephen had a photo of the Romney horse enjoying the family vacation riding on top of the car, just like the dog did. Hopefully, the horse will do well, otherwise Stephen tells us, he'll be glue.

Tourism Update - Go to Sweden. Did you know that every week a different actual Swede person gets to be the official tweeter for the entire country? The Swedes so far have been doing an exceptional job and have set the bar high. Think a minute though. Who would you like to see as an honorary Swede tweeting for a week? Well, just go on over to Colbert Nation and "Help Stephen Control @Sweden. He is the one person who can set the bar even higher.

Will Allen was a guest who had the interesting background of being a basketball player and a farmer. He talked about his book "The Good Food Revolution." If you like to eat food, and I know I do, visit his website and yes go out and buy the book too. What could be more important than eating?

In the classic, "kids - don't do this at home" Stephen talked about the latest fun activity by one of the Wallendas.  Nik Wallenda walked across Niagra Falls, but he did it the hard way, on a tightrope. If I was him, my biggest fear would be that I would accomplish that and then trip on the stairs as I was going to talk to reporters.

In one of the cutest and also more intellectual reports that Stephen has had on for a long time, we met Richard Zimmerman and all his cohorts. Ooooh they are so cute. And there are iPads, too.

Gregg Allman was on and talked about his book "My Cross to Bear." You may remember him as being married to Cher, but no, actually, Cher was married to him. He cleared up that detail for Stephen.

If that wasn't good enough, Stephen had the best product yet from Prescott Pharmaceuticals - a sleep aid (actually two sleep aides) for women. Just not one for Deb.

And Steve Coll talked about Exxon. Read more about him over at NPR.

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