Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dum Spiro Spero

That's Latin for, "While I breathe, I hope." It is also the motto of South Carolina, which is the home of Stephen Colbert. He's relaxing over the holidays in South Carolina, but while relaxing, he is still thinking and thus writing. I spotted this guest editorial today in "The State" by Stephen. (I saw it today, but it was in "The State" on December 22.) It clarifies the whole South Carolina primary hullabaloo. All he wants is to have the Republican primary named after him and to let South Carolinians decide if

(_) Corporations are people


(_) Only people are people.

It is fascinating to read because Stephen wrote it and everything he writes is fascinating, and it is very informative too. Information is good.

Colbert Guest Editorial: Naming Rights, State Mottoes and the GOP Primary + Video

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