Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Black Keys

I noticed last night that Stephen seems to be using one of his own "The Colbert Report: Logo Light Up Pen" on the show. Go on over to Colbert Nation to buy one for yourself.

Back to the important stuff. Iran seems to have captured on of our drones and it seems like Stephen Colbert is just the person to get it back for us. He presented a very convincing argument.

Donald Trump will host the next (and probably not the last) Republican debate on December 27. Then he will let the whole world know who he endorses.I can hardly wait. Many people have weighed in with their response to this news from The Donald.

Ari Fleischer: "invitation to a circus"

Karl Rove: "I think the Republican National Chairman ought to step in and say we strongly discourage every candidate from appearing."

Mark McKinnon: "this Trump debate is proof the inmates have taken over the asylum"

Apparently, however, Mitt Romney is not going to attend the debate. I wonder if that will make it harder for him to get the "The Donald Endorsement."

In response to all of this, Stephen Colbert is planning the South Carolina Serious, Classy Republican Debate. It will be sometime in January on the Animal Planet.

The Black Keys were on tonight. They are much quieter and more reserved when they are talking than when they are singing. Go to Colbert Nation to watch last night's show and hear them. Also, there's a bonus song on the web, so always a good reason to go to Colbert Nation.

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