Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Good and Pawlenty

As you all know, Stephen is out to sea. So, I'll fill in with tidbits of this and that while he is out of the studio.

This was funny. On the day that Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Minnesota, finally came out of the "running for president" closet, one of the home town papers, the Star Tribune had this cartoon by Steve Sack.

The thing is, that's one of my favorite candy choices. Good and Plenty candies are pink and white candy-coated licorice. Sweet on the outside, chewy on the inside.

Anyway, the No-Doz reference is hinting at (quite pointedly) that you need something to keep you from falling asleep when listening to Tim Pawlenty.

Some of you may remember that Michele Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesota, is also thinking about running for president, but she's waiting until all the "signs" are right before she decides.

So, for Minnesotans, this could be awkward. Perhaps it will end up being just like the Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat.

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