Monday, April 4, 2011

What Does He Think I Am - - - Made of Music?

Stephen Colbert, in talking about Jimmy Fallon's promise to sing "Friday" on last Friday on Fallon's show, asked his "The Colbert Report" listeners, "What does he think I am - - - made of music?"

Well, in a word, YES.

Stephen often sings with his musical guests on the show. And I know he sings in the shower. (I don't actually know that. I made it up. But it is possible that he does sing in the shower since many people do sing in the shower.)

He's a fantastic singer.

And now I can tell everyone that there are plans in the making for Stephen to make a CD with other talented artists and donate the money to charities chosen by each singer.

No, wait, that's wrong. I think that last paragraph is a figment of my imagination. Curses! I always have a fuzzy brain on Mondays. There are no plans in the making for Stephen to make a CD. (Tears roll down my cheeks and drip into my cup of coffee.)

And yet, what a wonderful idea. Just think of the money that could be raised by the loyal and generous and intelligent and good-looking folks over at the Colbert Nation! Each artist would pick a favorite charity and the profits from that song, or a percentage from the whole album, could go to that charity. It would provide funding plus good publicity for the charities.

Who knows? Maybe, just maybe, someday in the future this could happen. And then I could once again try to claim that I can read Stephen Colbert's mind. oooohhhhhhh!

In the meantime, if you haven't seen Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon and the Roots and Taylor Hicks and the Knicks City Dancers in the wonderful performance of "Friday" you can check it out here on hulu.

There's a short commercial and then you can spend 5 minutes and 2 seconds for the best experience of your life. Stephen Colbert sings "Friday."

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