Wednesday, April 6, 2011

TimMAY Meet Timbo

For some reason, last night's show seemed longer than ever, so much so, that I could feel myself getting older as I watched. Which was somehow very strange considering that Stephen spent a small portion of the show talking about Tim Pawlenty. Pawlenty likes to think of himself as the "young candidate".

Who? you might ask. And well you should. Even in his home state of Minnesota, people still ask who? Anyway, Stephen was calling Pawlenty every nick-name in the book: Timbo, the Ol' T Paw, Paw-lenty. Actually the "w" is silent, so it's just pronounced "pa-LENTY" but lots of people do call him PAW-lenty, so I guess it's just 6 dozen of one and 1/2 of the other. (Is my math right?)

Anywho, Stephen was making fun of the Ol' T Paw by making him out to be some sort of non-dynamic, milquetoast sort of fella. For example, he had footage of the guy speaking and also this quote: "For a candidate, I am relatively young. I have a more recent connection to the younger generation than some have or might have had in the past." I feel older just reading that quote.

Wow. That is right up there with "Yes We Can." (Video at dipdive song by and others.)

Okay, now I'm really pulling your leg. "Yes, We Can" grabs your attention and wakes up your spirit more ... way, way more.

But the Timbo part of the show was just a small portion. Stephen also had Frank Jameso and his brother James Franco on. I was impressed, really impressed as, I assume, was Stephen. James Franco and Stephen had a lengthy, intellectual conversation and both men went away respecting the awesomeness of the other man. True intellectual giants.

Stephen also remarked (and I wish I had paid closer attention so that I had the exact quote) that James Franco is quite learned, having visited and attended many colleges and universities.

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