Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cadbury 3:16

Lots happened on The Colbert Report Thursday (April 14, 2011). Where to begin, where to begin?

Well, one thing that was somewhat emotional for Stephen, and for the whole Colbert Nation I would venture to guess, was about his Colbert PAC. Stephen read a memo from the company lawyers. Lots of legal mumbo jumbo, but the main point was that Stephen could not have his Colbert PAC. This was distressing for Stephen, and I admit, I shed a tear or too also.

Stephen even invited Trevor Potter, recognized by some as being a "Super Lawyer," to help him understand all the legal intricacies of a PAC (Political Action Committee). Aha, thus the good news. Instead of a PAC, Stephen could have a Super PAC. By use of a simple 1 page cover letter stating "I want to have a Super PAC," Stephen was able to go ahead with his plan to begin:

"Making a better tomorrow, tomorrow."

Yea! Problem solved. Unlimited amounts of money.

And this being Spring, that can only mean Easter is upon us soon. Stephen provided updates as he usually does at this time of the year and then quoted from Cadbury 3:16:

"Take this egg, and hide it somewhere.
Perhaps under a log.
Or in a shoe.
Give the kids a challenge.
But you know, not too much of a challenge."

Yes. We can all do well to remember that this Easter.

His guest, I almost forgot. It was Caroline Kennedy! She has a new book:

walks in
a woman's journey through POEMS

Did you notice I even typed that just like the cover of the book? She and Stephen read poetry and recited poetry and had some nice laughs even. In honor of Caroline for having a new book out and to Stephen for having her on the show, I dedicate this work of poetry to Stephen Colbert.

There once was a man, name of Stephen,
His ears alas were not even,
But his mind it was sharp,
Manly voice - - like a harp,
Of his greatness we all are believin'.

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