Friday, April 1, 2011

Sour Grapes

Yes, I did watch The Colbert Report, but, and I am ashamed to admit this, I did not give it my full attention. Therefore, I don't think I can give an accurate account of what the show was about. "How could I do that?" you ask. Well, sometimes these things just happen. People are busy. Reading their email. Eating a cookie. Cutting their toenails. I'm sorry. I have no excuse.

What I did catch was something about Roy Dan Hollander and I think when he was at a bar when it was Ladies Night the wine was made from Sour Grapes and so he went to Wisconsin to a Republican Party meeting and they had a buffet but it also had Sour Grapes. And then Roy Dan Hollander was teaching everyone at that party how to dance.

And Stephen had someone on talking about different cultures and their systems of justice.

So, probably you should go to Colbert Nation to watch the full episode when it is available which should be soon, maybe later this morning or in the afternoon.

I may have gotten some of the parts from last night's show wrong. But I know there were Sour Grapes, so that part is right.

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