Thursday, April 17, 2014

bing bing bing bing bing bing..... Sting!

"I do not envy whoever they try to put in that chair." So said Stephen (way last week) about the retirement of late night TV host David Letterman.

As you may know, I get nearly all my news from Stephen Colbert, so it was a shock to learn that Dave is retiring. And yes, I can't imagine who they will get to replace him. Stephen has been on vacation this week, so there was virtually no way for me to find out if CBS has found a replacement yet. (I don't know, maybe I should have looked at some other news shows or read a newspaper, just in case there was any important info.) This retirement announcement does make me sad. Although I don't watch Dave as much as I watch Stephen, I have sort of a routine at night. I get my news from Stephen and then flip over to CBS sometimes to see what Dave is talking about. Somehow I'll get used to this change in some of my late night viewing habits.

Stephen talked about Botox which is being used to treat depression, but one of the side effects can be sadness, so, duh? Prescott Pharmaceuticals has better products, Vacsa-Meh and Vac Daniels.

Stephen and Bill O'Reilly have a Mutual Appreciation Society going on. Said Stephen, "I admire Bill and so does he." But Bill has a problem with equality or inequality or something like that. He says no one is equal to anyone else. (Wow, didn't he read the Declaration of Independence, the part about "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," ?) Anyway, Stephen had many examples to share about Bill O"Reilly and explained that he "agrees with every word Papa Bear says, even if the words he (Bill) says don't agree with each other." Papa Bear has many words to explain the ways of the world: Bing bing bing, bing, bing, bing, bing.)

Sting, who has had a musical career stretching, what, about 70 years or so, was on the show to talk about and sing about The Last Ship. I think the song sounds exactly how a song about the "last ship" should sound. Good job Sting.

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