Monday, August 12, 2013

He Met the Real Goliath

After a little bit of popular culture about Fla Rida and not so current popular culture about J. Robert Oppenheimer, Stephen headed right into the 72nd installment of his Better Know a District. (I can hardly wait until he gets to my District - it can't be much longer, right?)

Anyway, Representative Rush Holt was in the hot seat tonight. He represents New Jersey's 12th District. Currently, he is running to be Senator from New Jersey and tomorrow is the primary, so everyone be sure to vote. Oops, just people in New Jersey should vote.

Anyway, some important facts about Representative Rush Holt. He was on Jeopardy. And he did pretty good. He has a tendency to follow facts and develop policies. He believes public education is what has made this country great and wants every science taught to every student every year. Not just biology this year and chemistry next year. This of course prompted Stephen to bring up a discussion of astrology which he claimed to be science because it is one of the -ologies. While Rush Holt wanted to talk about conservation, Stephen wanted to talk about Sharknadoes. Rush Holt, the only Quaker in Congress, is proud of looking for alternatives to war. Stephen challenged him to a thumb war. Rush Holt easily beat Stephen both times!

You need only remember "European Vacation" to realize that Americans are not always perceived well when vacationing in Europe. Sadly, a Missouri man recently broke off the finger of a 600 year-old statue in Italy. (What would the just punishment be for that? Maybe the statue gets to, well you know.) Stephen's solution was to replace the finger with a breadstick. That should work well. Stephen then went on to confess a similar incident that he himself had with the statue David. You see, the Missouri man broke the finger because he was comparing the size of his own finger with that of the finger on the statue. Luckily Stephen did not break anything off the statue of David, but he boasts about easily besting David in the size department.

Sheldon Whitehouse, Senator from Rhode Island, was the guest tonight. He has a book out now that took him 20 years to write which is amazing because it is of famous quotes, so it's not as if he actually wrote those quotes. The book is "On Virtues: Quotations and Insight To Live a Full, Honorable, and Truly American Life." No wonder it took him 20 years, the title alone probably took a year to write. When asked about a famous quote, he quoted the one that is on the statue of Adam Lindsay Gordon.

 Life is mainly froth and bubble
Two things stand like stone --
Kindness in another's trouble.
Courage in your own.

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