Monday, February 10, 2014

Speaking of Fossils

The Sochi Olympics are in full swing so I won't be having as much spare time as usual. I am too busy watching the sports and the fashion and the spectacle. I hope Stephen does not think that I think less of his show than I do of a bunch of people in tights dancing and prancing around on ice and snow.

So, in brief.... Papa Bear interviewed Prez Barack (I am using abbreviated names there to save time. I mean Bill O'Reilly and President Barack Obama in case there are some of you out there who do not know who I am referring to.) Papa Bear asked hard questions and then went on to answer the questions himself.

At the Olympics in Sochi, there is a bit of a problem with yogurt. Chobani Yogurt is being delayed from reaching the Team USA athletes. Not everything in Sochi is done being built. Water problems, sidewalk problems, stray dog in your hotel room problems are just some of the examples we heard about. The most worrisome problem that Stephen mentioned was that some manholes do not have manhole covers on them.

In Tip/Wag we learned that it is extremely important to have labels on your bottles of liquid.

Paul Krugman was Stephen's guest to explain how good ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act or ACA) is really actually working well. People shouldn't be believing all the naysayers out there. Stephen tried to come up with naysaying, including talking about some of the women he knows who might have reasons for wanting health insurance coverage, but Paul Krugman had very good reasons why ObamaCare is a good thing.

He also had to clarify for Stephen and us what others have distorted over and over again. The CBO did not say ObamaCare will kill jobs. The CBO said now that people have the health care that they need, the can voluntarily choose to work fewer hours.

Most important on Thursday's show was the announcement that Jay the Intern has welcomed a little intern to his own family, Baby Eli the Intern. So cute!

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