Monday, June 10, 2013

Don't You Dare Clap!

Stephen talked some about Edward Snowden and NSA and the inventor of the Clapper, John Clapper. He promises there will be more about this tomorrow, so it must be really big. Currently, Snowden is in Hong Kong.

Bigger than that though is the revelation that Jon Stewart, host of the Daily Show, headed to Jordan to direct a "serious movie" (Stephen's air quotes). He was replaced by a foreigner - from England.

Speaking of the Middle East, The Imploding Muslim Country of the Week Booth was in the studio. Stephen stepped in, Jimmy started up the fans so that the slips of paper, each with a different Middle Eastern country, could swirl around colorfully, and after only about 10 minutes, Stephen was able to catch one slip of paper. Tonight's country??? Turkey! It only took Stephen another minute to get the door open and head back to his desk.

In Turkey, conservative Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared that women should have at least three children, that there should be single-sex beaches, and that there should be new regulations on the sale of alcohol. Omer Taspinar, of the Brookings Institute, joined Stephen to help make it all clear for him.

At long last, Stephen had a Cold War Update. I think the people who are griping about their jobs as missile launchers are going to move to being FOX correspondents. To help them make the transition, Stephen introduced his new video game. Sounds like lots of fun: Call of Duty: Padded Chair. Seems like it needs some work to make it more, um, versatile. Stephen pretty much ended the game within a minute.

Stephen's guest was Dan Savage. His new book is called "American Savage - Insights, Slights and Fights on Faith, Sex, Love and Politics." Soon the Supreme Court will be handing down decisions. One is about DOMA, the other is about California. They got into heated, well not heated, but warm debate about marriage. Both are married, but Stephen feels that he is more married than Dan. The show seemed longer than usual, but I think that's because both men were talking at the same time, so twice as much content. Dan Savage said he wants equal rights not a double standard.

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