Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Your Honor, I Move We Adjourn

Stephen talked briefly about the important parts of Super Bowl XLVII, the Spinach Dip Bread Bowl at his party, the wide assortment of ads, and the fabulous Halftime Show with Beyonce. He was surprised at the quality and energy of the show however. Usually, in his opinion, the shows are of a more "sedate" nature with "older" talent. I assume he enjoyed the show this year though.

Speaking of younger talent, Stephen admitted he usually watches the Megyn Kelly Show on Mute. What brought up this tidbit was his discussion of the GOP and their current understanding that now that the election is over and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama instead of Whatshisname (Chip Ranchero?), they should be voting GOP. They have all the right values and so, they should forget all the negative stuff said about them and just vote for Republicans in the future. We will have to wait a while to see how that plays out.

We got to see what the differences are between a taping of the "The Colbert Report" and a session of the Supreme Court. Needless to say, Stephen's show is much more entertaining. During the interview with Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen was more subdued than he usually is. I figure that is probably because a Justice of the Supreme Court automatically is given a certain amount of respect because the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. So naturally, you should treat a Justice with some dignity. "Be on your best behavior," is how my grandmother would have put it.

Sonia Sotomayor has a book out, actually two books, one of which is "My Beloved World." It's about her, which makes it an autobiography. There was brief discussion of Dred Scott. But then back to Sonia Sotomayor. She emphasizes that she and the other justices are just ordinary people. Also, if she can reach her dreams, so can other people.

Stephen seemed to have a checkmate situation while they were discussing political affiliation, but he couldn't quite pull off a win. He assumed with all her success and self reliance that she should be a conservative. But how would he know? Well, because Obama appointed her. But actually, she points out that she is an independent.

When asked what her most conservative belief is, she answered, "I believe in the Constitution." If that didn't win her a ton of points with Mr. Stephen Colbert, I don't know what possibly could. (But then there was a whole lot of discussion about who Stephen Colbert is or was or could be. That part was confusing to everyone!)

And as for the other book she wrote. Well that is, "Mi mundo adorado." I am looking forward to reading both books. I wonder which one I will like better.

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