Monday, February 25, 2013

Dancer - Capital D

I hope you caught the The Colbert Report last Thursday. It was really good, better than some other shows and yet as I write that I'm mentally kicking myself. Each of Stephen's show is better than the rest and that does not seem possible. Let's just leave it at, "I hope you caught last Thursday's show."

Since it has taken me so long to get back to writing, I'll be brief but to the point. Stephen always verifies all his news stories before reporting on them. Not everyone is so thorough, unfortunately.  Case in point, Chuck Hagel and the Friends of Hamas. What started as sort of a joke about something than any reasonable person would realize was a joke has gotten out of hand. Read about it here.

Folks should practice the skills they learned in 4th grade for writing reports. Make sure that what you are saying is factual. And don't just ask Jon or Jay or Jimmy out on the playground if they think it is true, do some actual research.

The best part of the show was the guest. I don't know how to describe the guest. He defies explanation, no, he defies description. He even defies gravity and the laws of physics. Think of a butterfly, a snowflake, a pretzel, an army tank. That doesn't even come close to doing justice to Lil Buck. When I heard Stephen was going to have a dancer, I thought that would be interesting. I had no idea. I'm sorry, but I'm not as tuned in to popular culture as Stephen is. That is why I watch his show, so I can stay at least a little bit current. He does have great talent on the show. Thank-you, Stephen.

Anyway, the minute Lil Buck started dancing, making a few moves, you realize immediately that he is a Dancer (capital D). This is not someone who has learned how to dance. This is someone who just is a Dancer. I also think he is a wonderful teacher. He doesn't just tell Stephen to watch him and then do what he does. Lil Buck is able to explain how to mimic what he is doing. You would be able to just listen to his explanations and figure out how to dance like him. No, not dance like him, but do a few of the moves.

 If you did not watch last week, you have to go over to Colbert Nation and watch. You can also Google Lil Buck and find many other video clips. Here's one of him with Yo Yo Ma on the cello.

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