Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dear Pat

Matt Taibbi was on in the pre-interview segment for a mini-interview. He and Stephen talked about HSBC. You can read about HSBC here.

In a segment that Stephen did not have a title for, but a segment that Dear Abby would surely approve of, we got some relationship advice from none other than Pat Robertson. A 17 year-old had written Pat Robertson that his mom feels alone because his dad spends too much time hogging the Xbox 360. Pat Robertson's advice was that "maybe Mom is not as sweet as you think she is." Basically, Pat thinks she needs to keep looking good. She needs to live up to Pat Robertson standards of what a woman should be.

You know that joke about the woman complaining to the priest that her husband drinks and then the priest says if he was married to her he would drink too? Yep, Pat told it on the 700 club back on January 9 so well that probably everyone in his television audience was rolling on the floor laughing.

It might be a good time to check out how Pat and Stephen are doing over at one of my favorite sources for information, Conservapedia. Back in October of 2009 I had a post about Conservapedia. Pat Robertson's page on Conservapedia showed 9,180 hits back then while Stephen's showed 95,815 hits. Today those numbers are 20,081 for Robertson and 194,149 for Colbert. If you don't believe me, just go look at the page for Stephen Colbert.

Tom Brokaw was the guest for January 16. Brokaw impressed Stephen with all the Brokaw things he is able to do. Brokaw is of the opinion that soon Texas will be completely different thanks to the Latino vote. It was more fascinating political stuff and included Stephen working in a Star Trek reference. I think Stephen is actually impressed with Tom Brokaw. Perhaps if Stephen does run for POTUS, he might think about Tom Brokaw as his VP choice!

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