Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chair, You Disappoint Me

I can't believe it. I assigned the writing of this post to my computer chair and nothing happened. I assumed that if a chair could be on stage at the Republican Convention then I could trust a chair to write a simple post here. So now I have to play catch up with last Friday's episode. Here it is briefly.

Chris Wallace of Fox News was so taken by the pretty balloons at the end of the Republican Convention that he didn't add any commentary, other than just shut up and watch.

Everyone seemed to judge Mitt Romney's speech as solid. Stephen agreed that Mitt Romney is a solid - matter can't pass through him and he does not conform to the shape of his container.

Then, Stephen, imitating what he saw on Fox News, was rubbing his hands together and saying, "Happy Anniversary Darling. Now eat this mystery pastry."

We got to see a clip of Clint Eastwood talking to a chair. (See, it worked for him!)

After a speech like that, everyone wanted Clint Eastwood on their program. Stephen was able to get Clint Eastwood ......... 's Chair on. Stephen told Clint Eastwood's Chair that Obama has kept none of his promises, but then he reluctantly agreed with Clint Eastwood's Chair that

Obama did sign the Lilly Ledbetter Act
Obama saved the auto industry
that we are the only western nation without Universal Health Care
that yes he, Stephen, is his brother's keeper since he's a Christian
yes he, Stephen, does ask what he can do for his country
and yes
of course he wants to live in hope
he ended up leading the audience in a rousing cheer of
Yes We Can
Yes We Can
Yes We Can.

Stephen had a short segment with a tribute to Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon. There were many other tributes to Neil Armstrong, but Stephen had his own unique tribute.

The guest was James Carville talking about his latest book, "It's the Middle Class, Stupid." James Carville was a bit miffed to be playing second fiddle to a chair, but he got over it. I couldn't help but think how interesting it would have been if Stephen could also have interviewed Bill Hader at the same time. Google Bill Hader. He does a pretty good James Carville and a pretty good Clint Eastwood.

This is the last time I ask a chair to write anything for me.

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