Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Welcome Pirates, Pastafarians, and Purveyors of Argh. Aye, it's a blustery day at sea, but we're all speaking like pirates and having a bit of a celebration with the Captain.

That's right, it is again ITLPD. You know, International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I can't believe it's that time of year again. Where does the time go? Perhaps someone is plundering it.....

Even though International Talk Like a Pirate Day, or more commonly called "Talk Like a Pirate Day," is in the news***, I have no special plans this year, no parties to go to. I think I will just curl up with a good pirate book or maybe watch a favorite pirate movie. Now I just have to decide which book or which movie. Argh, decisions... decisions... decisions.


*** What kind of socks to pirates wear?

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