Friday, January 20, 2012

Presidential Inauguration

The Rally is over with. Just a little bit of cleaning up to get done. I've read a little bit on the Internets about what happened at the Rally. It sounds like it was a big hit and everyone had a great time and learned about what Stephen has to offer as President.

Tomorrow is the South Carolina Primary, so if you live in South Carolina, be sure to vote for Herman Cain. Remember, a vote for Cain is a vote for Colbert.

As I reflect back on the events leading up to this Rally, I can't help but notice the date. Today is January 20. That means we are only one year from the next Presidential Inauguration. This could be a good sign for Stephen. In exactly 365 days, we could be watching Stephen Colbert being sworn in as President.

Check back next year for more details.

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