Friday, October 9, 2009

Media Bias

Here's an interesting side note related to my earlier posting today. Also on the Conservapedia home page is a blurb about Michelle Obama. Conservapedia all but calls her a liar when she talked about her "best memories" of the Olympics. She claimed to be a young girl while watching and cheering for Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis and others. Conservapedia (which coincidentally has a whole section about Bias in Wikipedia) says Michelle was 20 years old when Carl Lewis was in the Olympics in 1984, so not really a young girl. That's true, but they fail to mention that Olga Korbut was in the 1972 Olympics which would make Michelle 12 years younger, or only 8 years old. And Nadia Comaneci was first in the 1976 Olympics, which would make Michelle 12 years old. So while Conservapedia has their underwear all in a bunch about media bias, they are perfectly fine practicing it themselves.

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