Thursday, January 9, 2014

Call Me Ishmael

Last night Stephen talked briefly about Bridgegate and Chris Christie. He promised he will have more team coverage on tonight's show. There are lots of articles floating around on the internet, so I'll just link to the first one I found here.

In medical news, tiny tiny magnets are in our future of health care but the whole idea made me a little uneasy so I'm not going to talk about it other than to mention that Prescott Pharmaceutical has improved Stephen's Formula 401. It is now Formula 4010101001.

How cold is it? While most journalists simply threw hot water out in the cold air to demonstrate, I don't know maybe science.... a creative journalist, Rachel Slavik in the Cherokee Heights Park area of St. Paul, Minnesota, demonstrated just how cold it is by hammering a nail into a board using a frozen banana. Now that is what I call real science that you can use!

And by the way, Al Roker showed everyone that the term "polar vortex" is at least as old as 1959. "So stuff it," he advised all the naysayers.

Ishmael Beah was Stephen's guest last night. It was an uplifting interview which seems hard to believe since Ishmael Beah spent his early teen years as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. He describes himself as a hopeful person. It was Unicef that removed him from the fighting. As frightening as that experience was for a young boy, he admitted he also finds the cold weather in New York's wintertime also quite scary. He previously wrote the book "A Long Way Gone." His newest book is "Radiance of Tomorrow."

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