Monday, December 16, 2013

You Want Proof?

I am way too busy. I won't get all my shopping done if I don't get out to the Mall. So, posts are likely to be abbreviated and by that I mean short and concise.

Sleep aids can have bad side effects. Prescott Pharmaceuticals has better ideas for sleeping.

Megyn Kelly of Fox News said Santa Claus and Jesus are white. However, Santa Claus was on Saturday Night Live last Saturday and he was black. That's all the proof I need. And Jesus, being born over in Bethlehem, well, he wasn't European, that's for sure.

George Packer was the guest talking about his book "The Unwinding - An Inner History of the New America." The book seems to be getting a lot of attention, but I would have thought they could have found a newer looking American flag for the cover. (You can read an excerpt from the book over at that link, for free!)

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