Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's Really Important to Me That I Have Crushed You

Gloating is good. Gloating is fun. Gloating is very satisfying.

As good as The Colbert Report is, occasionally there are glitches. Stephen thought he had video of President Barack Obama making history, but instead it was the announcement at the Emmys that The Colbert Report had won. After ten years of The Daily Show winning an Emmy for Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series, The Colbert Report stole that honor away from Jon Stewart.

It felt good. Stephen was happy. He called Jon Stewart just so that he could rub Jon's face in it. Surprisingly, (was anyone surprised?) Jon Stewart came out from the back halls of the studio over at The Colbert Report, talking on his cell phone with Stephen.

Funny thing though. It turns out that Jon Stewart and the Stewart Country (trademarked) are happy that Stephen won his Emmys. He's proud of Stephen. This is where it starts getting emotionally complicated. Stephen is happy that The Colbert Report won. So is Jon. Jon being happy makes Stephen sad. Jon feels sorry for Stephen and is just about to be sad so as to make Stephen happy until Jon announces that basically it doesn't matter that The Daily Show did not win because, and here's the strange part, Jon is the Executive Producer of The Colbert Report. No matter which show wins, Jon also wins.

No tears please folks. The two men put aside their differences and congratulated each other. Gloating is better when you can share it with a friend.

Religion, specifically Pope Kumbaya, is on Stephen's mind a lot lately. And being the biblical scholar that he is, Stephen righteously and rightly criticized this new Pope, Pope Francis, for being all Jesus-like, what with his love of people over the enforcement of rules and regulations. (He even made it onto the "On Notice" board.)  The Chaplain of the Colbert Nation and friend of the show, Father James (Jim) Martin, was on the show to help Stephen understand the workings of the Pope's mind. The"love" and "compassion" and "mercy" that the Pope is showing to people all over the world is mysteriously bringing people back to the Catholic Church!

One last thing about Stephen's criticism of the Pope - Father James (Jim) Martin advised Stephen that Jesus doesn't actually want people to be judging others. Is Father judging Stephen by saying that though? Oh, great, another dilemma.

The guest last night was a band by the name of Metallica, I think that's it, and apparently they're doing okay for themselves. They laughed at Stephen's jokes and made jokes of their own and then it was time for a song. You can read a little bit about them over at Wikipedia and of course, as always, there's a bonus song over at Colbert Nation.

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