Friday, March 1, 2013

My Name is Jay

First of all, where can I buy that shirt? Stephen has renamed Jay the Intern. Is that even legal? I guess so because he did it. Jay now gets "health coverage". That's cool. And refreshing. Now Stephen needs to start marketing the shirt Jay was wearing. I would buy one. So now Jay the Intern is Halls Mentho-lyptus With Triple Soothing Action Presents Jay the Intern. Let the Cool in Jay, let the cool in.

Something that I just thought of: If for some reason Stephen was unable to do the show, could Jay fill in for him? It is a possibility, a possibility that I think the audience would truly enjoy. That intern has talent and potential in the world of broadcast news!

A new development in our Justice System involves a spinning red light and also a mysterious spinning red light. It has something to do with Gitmo and with the Cenral Inellieence Aency and I'm not saying another thing, especially out loud. Neal Katyal of Georgetown Law School was on to discuss with Stephen and they seemed to come up with the notion that this was a flaw.

John Kerry is busy visiting the world, but not Easter Island, his homeland. I can completely understand that. This has got to be the busiest time of the year on Easter Island. Jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, and fake grass all have to be made and distributed by the end of the month. This summer would be a better time to visit Easter Island. John Kerry is spreading the word around the world that Americans have the right to be stupid. That applies to each and every person in our nation. That includes John Kerry. It also includes Stephen but he never uses that right.

Paola Antonelli was Stephen's guest on Wednesday night. She is the Senior Curator, Department of Architeccture and Design for MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art). She discussed physics if you can believe that and we learned about the past, the present, the future, the moment, and being modern. It was confusing. We also learned that Stephen's coffee mug is "design" but poor design. Also discussed was iPad, which needs to come in many more sizes. She said the idea was to make everything disappear. Well then, what would they have over at the Museum of Modern Art? Oh, yeah, I know, all this stuff. We got to see some really neat designed art including bee-designed vase, a rolling land mine destroyer, and an earthquake-proof student desk.

Note to Stephen: Take the wrapper off before you eat it.

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