Monday, October 24, 2011

Pinheads and Patriots

Just one more thing about Bill O'Reilly's book "Pinheads and Patriots." I have been thinking about his arrangement for copies of the book to be mailed to the folks serving in Operation Enduring Freedom.

It seems a little bit, yes I'll say it, conceited to do so. It's kind of like those comedy sketches where some famous guy goes to a soup kitchen and hands out 8x10 glossy photos of himself.

Can you really imagine any soldier over in Afghanistan getting a package and in it is that book. "Oh wow! Just what I've always wanted - a book by some guy telling me what patriotism means." If you send a "gift" to someone, it should be something they want and need, not something that boasts about you or glorifies you.

Yeah, I'm thinking Food or Soap would have been a way better choice.

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