Thursday, January 20, 2011

Donald Pellview

Stephen had his understudy, Donald Pellview, do the show tonight for him. I don't know why Stephen could not do it, perhaps he had a dentist appointment or something like that. I should correct this a bit. Stephen was able to do the last minute of the show, so he was able to thank Donald Pellview and say "Good Night" but that was about the extent of his talent for the show tonight.

Donald Pellview did a great job. He interviewed Chris Matthews of Hardball with Chris Matthews fame. I must admit, Chris Matthews does seem to know his stuff. Chris Matthews and Donald Pellview talked about John F. Kennedy, what with it being the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's inaugural speech. JFK had that famous line, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy also created the Peace Corps, with Sargent Shriver (Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.) as the first director.

All in all, Donald Pellview did a wonderful job as understudy for Stephen. He is just as handsome, just as intelligent, and a tad bit more comical. Let's hope we get to see more of Donald Pellview in the future.

* Note: Photo is not actually of Donald Pellview. It is an understudy photo of Donald Pellview.

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