Thursday, August 5, 2010

Savion Glover

It's like drumming with your feet. That's what it looks like and sounds like when Savion Glover is tap dancing. He was the guest tonight on Colbert Report. For once Stephen was smart enough to realize there was no way he could fake the talent of his guest. Stephen is a good singer and yes he can dance. But not like Savion Glover.

I remember back a few years when Savion was on Sesame Street. I don't remember how much dancing he did, but he probably did a little every now and then. Too bad he didn't take the time to teach Bert and Ernie how to tap dance. That would have been something to see.

Anyway, Stephen and Savion chatted a bit and then Savion danced. (Stephen watched - good decision.) After a short time, Savion was joined by "and Friends." The whole group was then tap dancing. And yes, you can imagine how neat it looked! It always makes me smile when I see some talent or art form or craft that seemed to be dying out enjoy a comeback with the young folks. Savion has been called the best tap dancer, or at least that's what Stephen said. It sure seems like he could be the best. And he is teaching tap dance around the country, so tap dance is gaining in popularity.

Interesting note from the interview/chat. Stephen asked and Savion answered. Savion would rather have an audience that was all blind than to have an audience that was all deaf. He connects more with the sound than with the motion. It does make sense when you think of tap dancing. I don't think he would say that of ballet!

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