Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ba Da Bing

Tonight Stephen was saying "Bing" quite often. And with good reason. Bing.com would donate money, lots of money, to Stephen's favorite charity. The more he said "Bing" the more money he would get.

How much money do you think he raised? Don't look at the end of this blog, first say out loud how much you think he got. Was it:

a. $10
b. $957
c. $1,600
d. $38,380
e. $100,000
f. $1,000,000

Just say it loudly while you are looking directly at the computer screen and I will be able to hear what you say.

I'll pause why you decide.

Done? Good The answer is $100,000.If you guessed correctly, well then Bing for you. If not, then better luck next time and by the way, would you like to contribute to Stephen's charity now? Just go to his website and follow the link to Colbert Nation Gulf of America Fund.

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