Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You Can't Drive a Car With a Windmill On It

Stephen started with a music theme, threw in some religion and politics in the middle, and then ended with music. In just a few days, the Annual Pop Conference will be going on in Seattle at the EMP Museum (Experience Music Project). Now before you get too excited, it is a conference, not a concert, so just keep that in mind. That being said however, you would probably think that a musician and scholar such as Stephen would be welcomed with open arms to the Conference. But no. Stephen's work was yet again rejected. His scholarly paper did not make the cut. He had the paper there with him on the show, even read the title. It sounded fascinating and I, for one, only wish there had been time for him to read it on the air. (Note to self. Check iTunes to see if it is there in Spoken Word category.)

Pat Robertson. Stephen is worried about Robertson and his ministry. You may remember Pat from the things he says on his show. Things such as:

"Something happened a long time ago in Haiti. They got together and swore a pact to the devil."
"Islam is not a religion."
"We assume Jewish people are very thrifty."
"What about bestiality?"
"He likes to have sex with ducks."
"That guy was homo."
"Those who are involved in martial arts before they start are actually inhaling some demon spirit."

But lately Pat has been advocating something that, well, let's just say it involves the munchies. And that might include, perhaps, his age-defying protein pancakes. Yes, people could eat those pancakes. Pat eats them, so that's an endorsement right there.

You know there are many reality shows on TV. People that are "Real" and people at the "Shore". A recent one, "All American Muslim" on TLC, won't be back for a second season. Apparently they are too normal. Seems like you need to be "real" instead of "normal" to make it in TV land.

But, enough about religion. Stephen reminded us that bears are always a threat and then he touched on politics a little bit. It's yet again another primary, this time in Mississippi and Alabama, along with Hawaii and American Samoa. All the usual issues come to light such as climate change, drilling, and other energy related stuff. Mitt Romney said that you can't drive a car with a windmill on it. (Duh.) Stephen asked the obvious question, "Because then where would the dog go?" And Newt Gingrich, while fond of Newtland on the Moon also speaks of Cloud Cuckoo Land where algae is used for fuel. "You can't make this stuff up," said Newt.

Apparently, ExxonMobil is actually doing this, to the tune of some $600 million to develop this technology!

And back to music to end the show. Andrew Bird was the guest tonight. He is not "famous", but now needs to be ready to be "super famous" as a result of being on The Colbert Report (you know, the famous Colbert Bump). He sang the song Eyeoneye from his latest album Break It Yourself.


By the way, I noticed over at the Wikipedia page about Andrew Bird that he went to Northwestern University. Don't we know someone else that is on the list of Alumni from Northwestern University? Someone with the initials S.C.?

If you notice, most of my postings are done late at night when I am so very tired. And so sometimes there will be words that are typed or spelled wrong. Typically I find them when I read them in a more alert state and change them a day or two later. I have made one correction today. It makes the humor much funnier when the words are right. Hopefully my readers are either more alert or if not that, then forgiving when Eye dew make these unintentionel errars.

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