Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Higgs Boson

"The Higgs boson has not been discovered yet, but its mass is 125 billion electron volts."

That's a joke that's making the round in physics circles. And as long as we're on humor, here's the Dilbert joke about the Higgs boson.

To show that he appreciates the subtle aspects of humor, Stephen continued with, "Speaking of not really being there, Mitt Romney." After weeks and weeks of all the political pundits saying Mitt would be the inevitable candidate for the Republicans, we had Super Tuesday and now everyone is saying it's still too close to call. This is very vexing to Stephen. The good news is that if it comes down to a draw and no one knows who to nominate and if they were to consider Sarah Palin, she "wouldn't close that door." One can only wonder what Palin as President would be like.

CNN is also vexed by the thought of an indecisive decision and so they had a virtual brokered convention. If you want to see how that went down, Jon Stewart had a segment on his show tonight about CNN and you can view his show online. (Of course, wait until tomorrow for that episode to be posted.) Stephen, on the other hand, conducted his own virtual convention, which did require a bit of imagination, but it was much better than CNN's convention. After Stephen's virtual convention was complete, the candidate was still, oh no, Mitt Romney!

Who is nine feet tall and has four arms? Willem Dafoe! But only when he' being Tars Tarkas. Willem Dafoe was the guest tonight and as usual, Stephen asked if he was an actor or a movie star. The way to know, according to Stephen, boils down to this: "Do you wait tables for a living?" Dafoe doesn't, therefore that makes him a movie star. The movie, of course, is John Carter.

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