Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kevin Kline

I missed watching Stephen on Tuesday night. Luckily, there's TiVo, so I got to watch it later. All I can say about Kevin Kline is that he was superb. He was evenly matched with Stephen. Neither one of them outshone the other. Most likely that is because, well, Stephen is Stephen and Kevin Kline is a Great Shakespearean Grunter. I would suggest that you go find it online and watch that episode.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Green Thumb

Stephen Colbert seems to be on vacation or something. Must be nice. Vacationing somewhere nice and warm. Sitting around by the side of a pool under the shade of a large umbrella and sipping a tall, cool beverage. No work. No worries.

Huh? What's that you say? He's gardening? Oh, now I remember. He planned on becoming a farm worker and picking fruits and vegetables. Or maybe it was just lettuce. That's right - he had a segment about the people who work in the farm fields out West. He even had a website for other people to join in the fun he was going to have - Take Our People can sign up to earn a little extra cash while being out in the great outdoors.

Disclaimer: Jobs include use of tools. Jobs encompass all areas of farming, from preparing the soil, planting, weeding to harvesting when the crop is ready. Expect warm temperatures. Expect physically demanding work. Expect low pay. Expect long, long days. That stuff is not going to wait for you to be in the mood. It has to be picked today!

This will actually be good for Stephen. I'm not saying he needs to get a little bit of physical activity. Hey! I just said that I'm NOT saying that. Sheesh. I'm just saying it will be good for Stephen. That's all.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Albino Earwig

Last night's show was, as usual, great. It made me smile and laugh, plus I learned about albino broccoli, mobius melt, and I got to see the most handsome man on TV. Stephen solved the Gulf Crisis and welcomed his good friend Steven Carell to the show.

In honor of Stephen and because I too enjoy albino broccoli, I am naming this earwig after him. You might think it is an albino earwig, but the white color just means that it recently molted. The color will get darker as the earwig gets older. And, sorry, but I think this particular one might be female, but that's okay. I am naming all white (molted) earwigs after Stephen, not just this one.