Monday, March 5, 2012

Better Know a District

What could be more popular than the "Better Know a District" segment on The Colbert Report? But, due to recent events, I think that could all come to a screeching halt.

Perhaps my word choice is too extreme. Maybe it will just change a bit. You see, we had the census in 2010. One of the many important reasons we conduct a census is to find out how many people live in each state and where in the state they live. Then we find out how many Congressional Representatives each state will have. And then we find out where the district boundaries will be. Right now, states are redrawing congressional districts so as to equalize the number of people in each district. People are finding out that while they used to live in one Representative's district, because of redrawn boundaries, they will be "assigned to" a different district.

Stephen has already "known" many of the districts and has put those districts up on his map. Now he will have to get a new map and maybe re-interview some Representatives he has already had on the show because they represent different districts. And horror of horrors, there may be some districts now that do not have a current Representative living there. By the time elections roll around on November 6, someone will either have to move into that district in order to run for re-election, or someone currently living there who is not a Representative will have to decide to run for Congress from that district.

How will this all play out? I don't know, but this much is for sure. "Better Know a District" will change. Stephen could just adjust the lines on his map and color in the new districts (if he actually had interviewed the Representative who still lives within the new boundaries) and go on from there. Or he could scrap the map and start all over again. I don't know how he could possibly hope to interview all the Congressional Representatives, what with there being 435 members of the House. He better get started soon and maybe do two or three Representatives per week.

Will we end up with a new segment such as "Better Get Briefly Acquainted with a District?" or "Better Start All Over Again in New Districts Getting to Know That District?" Will he stop getting to know the people who are running this country? If he doesn't get to know them, how can we ever hope to know them?

Sooner or later Stephen will have to address this issue. He can't go on much longer with the status quo because the status quo as Bob Dylan so melodically said, is changing. Tell us what you are going to do Stephen. Let my people know.

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