Thursday, September 24, 2009


So, I have found a few other websites with the word "bogusivity" on it. But I don't care. I'm going to claim the word as mine. Stephen, don't you dare steal the word from me. The only other reference I found on Google to bogusivity was about juggling and it was a very, very long time ago.

Bogusivity is basically the opposite of truthiness. But it is not just the opposite of truthiness, it is worse than the opposite of truthiness. You see, truthiness has a sort of ambiguity about it whereas bogusivity is absolute, sort of like negative 273.15 degrees Celsius.

Truthiness is a goal, something you want to always try to achieve, like Stephen does. Bogusivity is to be avoided at all times and in all circumstances.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Carry Me Back to Old South Carolina

The news this summer coming from Stephen's beloved South Carolina has not been good. I'm pretty sure it would be even too over-the-top for an episode of Tek Jansen. Republican Congressman Joe Wilson shouting out to President Barack Obama, "You Lie" and Republican Governor Mark Sanford disappearing to Argentina to meet with his girlfriend while ignoring his family on Fathers Day needs some damage control. I think Stephen could and should either bump some sense into them or bump them out of power. That would be just the kind of selfless act of courage that could win him an Emmy next year.

Ironically, while Congressman Joe Wilson called out that President Obama was a liar about illegal immigrants and health care reform, in actuality, the President was absolutely correct. And, funny story, in 2003, (tip of the hat to Wikipedia) Wilson voted to authorize $250,000 annually for taxpayer money to reimburse hospitals for treating illegal immigrants. He flip-flopped his thinking on this issue in 2009.

Another funny story, apparently Joe Wilson favored a cover-up rather than speaking the truth about Strom Thurmond's daughter Essie Mae Washington-Williams. Wilson originally doubted the veracity of her claim, but then said that even if it was true, she should keep it secret. I guess he figured a cover-up was better than the truth, otherwise it would make Thurmond look bad.

Anyway, Stephen Colbert needs to take a few days off from the best show on TV ever, head down to South Carolina, and fix it. Just fix it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Allison Silverman

Stephen Colbert announced tonight that it was Allison Silverman's last show. She was the producer and he honored her by having The Word tonight be "Allison Silverman." I don't know why I noticed tonight, but I happened to read all the credits. Apparently, Allison did everything. Besides being the producer, she was the director, the writer, and everything else.

Monday, September 14, 2009

On Vacation

Stephen Colbert has been on vacation for three weeks. Somehow America has endured the boredom. But tonight he's back.

I have so many questions. Did he take this vacation just so that he could grow his hair longer? Was he talking to Governor Sanford about resigning? Was he advising Joe Wilson to hold his tongue when the President speaks to Congress? Or was he just doing some hiking? One can imagine that the real reason was to explore his options with regard to political office. He did briefly consider running for President back in 2008, but when it became obvious that obstacles such as time and money would get in the way, he dropped that idea. And yet, the office of Governor looks appealing. He is a South Carolina native, so he's got that going for him.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Joy of Colbert

Actually, "The Subversive Joy of Stephen Colbert" is the complete title of the article in --- wait for it --- "Rolling Stone" this issue (September 17, 2009). Of course Stephen is on the cover. Written by Neil Strauss with photographs by Martin Schoeller (got to love the photo on page 57) it is a long overdue expose of... (OUCH. Who just hit me?)

What I meant to say is that it is another honest portrayal of the man and his motivation, his wit and his charm. While it would have been better to dedicate the entire issue to Stephen, at least a few pages is a good, humble start for a good, humble man.

But really, shouldn't Stephen be on the cover of some magazine each and every week? This week Rolling Stone, next week Jack and Jill, then Arizona Highways, Linux Journal and Crochet World. The list is endless. Magazine editors should be begging to have his likeness on their cover. We know for sure it automatically brings that Colbert Bump.