Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mountain Dew

Gasoline, Goldfish and Guitar: Sometimes it seems like Stephen packs two hours worth of Report into one night's show! Tonight was one of those nights. So much stuff to talk about.

Eric Bolling has the magic answer, in a manila envelope, to lower gas prices by a dollar. But, it's a secret. He guarantees it will work. "I guarantee it, gasoline prices come down by a dollar." The only catch is that President Obama is supposed to call Bolling. He let everyone know what his phone number is but then told everybody not to call him. Only President Obama was supposed to call that number because I imagine President Obama is sitting around watching TV in the Oval Office and got out a memo pad to write down the phone number. Well, that sounds like such a sweet deal that Stephen has his own manila envelopes with plans.

1. Eliminate the debt.
2. Invade and defeat Iran in three days.
3. Results of some blood tests.
4. Poetry from college.
5. Plan to organize my manila envelopes.

On a technicality, that of Stephen being the president of his Super PAC along with president of other important organizations, Stephen called Bolling. Of course he got an answering machine, so Stephen left a message with his own phone number to call. Perhaps even as you are reading this Stephen Colbert and Eric Bolling are talking. And so ends the Gasoline segment of this post.

Herman Cain has been busy since dropping out of the race for the GOP nomination for President. You remember Cain, don't you? Shucky ducky, I'm sure you do. He has a new plan or company or website, not sure exactly what to call it. (But I will say there's not much at the Store.) His mission: transfer power from the government to the people. Sounds good, but I have some questions. If you transfer power from the government to the people, will those people make the decisions? And then would they not be governing? And then wouldn't they become the government? So then, someone else would have to get a new mission to transfer power from that government to a new set of "people." This is going to take a while. Maybe we should all just vote in November.

But where is the Goldfish you may be wondering. Okay, Herman Cain has an ad, an avant-garde ad, in which some people think Herman Cain committed Goldfish Murder. He claims the Goldfish is fine, but really, how would we know? There could easily be a stand-in Goldfish. So... Stephen made an ad, an avant-garde ad about all the things we forgot we used to be mad at. Head over to Colbert Nation, probably tomorrow sometime, and watch Stephen's ad. I think Stephen is relieved to have made this ad. That takes care of the Goldfish segment.

Next is the Guitar. It was Elvis Costello who brought the guitar. Also as guests were Emmy Lou Harris and Don Fleming. The really neat thing about watching The Colbert Report is that I learn so much stuff. Alan Lomax collected music, folk music, from all over the world. (Interesting note. When I Googled Alan Lomax, I also looked at Images. I saw something I don't remember seeing before in Google Images - most of the photos were black and white.)We are talking tens of thousands of songs. This was before iPods. We got to see an actual tape player, with actual tape, on the show. We got to listen to Jean Ritchie and Bob Dylan on that tape recorder. You can go to this website:

and listen to lots and lots and lots of the songs as well as interviews plus more. So much to learn about from all over the world for quite a few years back. You will have way more than enough to keep you busy until Stephen's show is on again on Monday. Just a quick note though. I have been having problems some of the time, but not all of the time, connecting. (The connection has timed out.) I think the site is too busy. Everyone who watched The Colbert Report tonight is checking out Cultural

Folk music is the music of the people, just plain folks. One or two people would get together and sing about what they knew best or what they did all day. This could be sailing, working in a coal mine, maybe someone singing a lullaby, or perhaps working on a whaling ship. "Young people love whaling songs," according to Stephen.

Elvis Costello played guitar, and Emmy Lou Harris and Don Fleming rounded out the trio. Plus Stephen, so that made the trio a quartet. They sounded marvelous of course and you can see a bonus song soon over at Colbert Nation. So, there's the Guitar segment. And Mountain Dew? Well, that's the song they sang.

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