Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Okay, Now I'm Hungry

There was a lot of talk about food tonight. First was Stephen's delicacies for a super party for Super Tuesday, highlighted by his Republican Salsa made mostly of mayonnaise with just a touch of Miracle Whip. Margaritas were on hand and were quite well blended, although they did taste a bit salty.

Food was important but let's not forget what Super Tuesday is all about. It's about the blue collar worker. Stephen excited his audience when he transformed into an average Joe blue collar worker complete with a lunchbox and actual blue collar. He was not willing to go out on a limb and predict the outcome of all the Primaries today. I'm sure he will talk about it tomorrow. Vladimir Putin however did quite well over in Russia, even getting 99.82% of the vote in Chechnya which turns out to be a 107% voter turnout. Now that is popularity.

And back to food again. For chocolate lovers, something to cry about. Mars has announced that in order to promote more responsible snacking, they will be scaling back the size on candy bars so that they will contain no more than 250 calories per candy bar. (Stephen's easy solution -- eat three candy bars.) Breakfast lovers have something to celebrate, though. Some folks are suggesting that we eat two breakfasts. Whether that is doctors or diners who suggest it, I'm not sure, but Stephen didn't stop with two breakfasts. He was able to come up with a multitude of meals, as many as eighteen meals each day to satisfy you. Stephen got hungry just talking about all this and I must admit, so did I. Where is that Halloween candy when you need it?

Jonathan Safran Foer was on the show to discuss with Stephen his latest book, "New American Haggadah." It's basically a new user's manual for Passover. Since everyone in the family sitting at the dinner table might have a copy of the Haggadah, Stephen thought this was an excellent choice for the author to write. Hopefully Stephen's new book will also attract a lot of readers.

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