Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

My favorite author was born today way back in 1904. (Apologies to Stephen for not being my favorite author.) Today is also "Read Across America" Day, thanks to the National Education Association. So, it's a good day to eat cake and read a book to a young kid.

Go over and read about Dr. Seuss. Really, go read it. At least the part under Later Years about why he wrote "The Cat in the Hat." It a somewhat of a challenge to write a book that was not boring using only a limited number of words.

Other books he wrote used more "words". And I put "words" in quotes because, just like Stephen Colbert, Dr. Seuss would make up words. You have all probably experienced writer's block when writing poetry because you can't think of a word to rhyme with "orange" or "silver". The solution is easy, just make up words, you know, like florange which is what the floor looks like after you spill orange juice on it. Or blilver which is like blilve, only better. For example, Jon Stewart is blilve but Stephen Colbert is blilver!

Where would we be without people like Dr. Seuss and Stephen Colbert?

"Today was good. Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one."
- Dr. Seuss

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