Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Well, Recuuuuuuse Me!

Today Stephen announced that for Lent he is giving up Catholicism. He then immediately became Jewish and gave up not eating bacon. Joining him for a short chat was Anthony Weiner, Congressman from New York's 9th District, representing Brooklyn and Queens. I think it would be very interesting to have the chance to sit down and talk with Anthony Weiner. He seems like a really interesting guy. There was even a hint that he (Weiner, not Colbert) might run for Mayor of New York. But tonight Anthony Weiner was talking about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. There even was a website that flashed on the screen, That pretty much explains what Anthony and Stephen were discussing, so you can read it there if you are curious.

And then the real guest was David Brooks who brought his book "The Social Animal" along with him. I admit, I was multitasking while the interview was going on and so I didn't pay as much attention as I should, but what I got out of it is that Americans aren't so good at math. Brooks had these statistics, from surveys, polls, etc. In the first one, 96% of professors in this country think they're above average in teaching skills and 19% of Americans think they are in the top 1% of earners. Hopefully you all realize that those numbers just don't add up, not that they should add up, but I'm just saying.

It's been a while since I've put a photo up to look at and I don't have a photo of Anthony Weiner, Clarence Thomas or David Brooks, so some pretty scenery will have to do. I hope you enjoy looking at it. It sure is majestic, isn't it?

Note: Title should be Well, Recuse Me! I guess the "u" key on my keyboard got stuck. Apologies to Steve Martin.

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