Friday, March 11, 2011

TimMAY, P King, Klu and Reza

Lots of guys on last night, either in news segments or in the interview. First to mention, briefly, is Tim Pawlenty, commonly known as T-Paw, the former governor from Minnesota. Stephen aired a commercial by the former gov which sure looks to be by a guy running for president. Although Timmy (TimMAY!) has been saying for years that he's not running (nudge nudge wink wink), he also has been doing everything short of announcing that he's running that does in fact make it look like he is running for president. Although to be fair, some have also theorized that he is really running for vice president or secretary of state or any number of other jobs in Washington D.C.

(On a side issue, look at the photo here back in 2008. Is his hair gray back then?)

Anyway, the commercial was awesome, until you saw the next clip of the real Tim Pawlenty giving the actual speech. Boring.

Stephen had an awesomer commercial for himself and then announced his awesomest Political Action Committee, ColbertPAC.

Also bits about Representative Peter King, who is concerned about Muslim terrorists but was supportive of the IRA. Rep. P. King is holding hearings which have generated controversy.

Another quick mention was of Rep. Dan Lungren with just a short mention he had about investigating Ku Klux Klan and various other groups. My question, and a small question admittedly, is wouldn't you think someone who was investigating that group would be able to pronounce the name correctly? He calls them the Klu (think "clue") Klux Klan, instead of the Ku (think "coo") Klux Klan. Just two simple letters - Ku - not so hard to pronounce correctly.

But then Stephen got to a real live person for the interview, Dr. Reza Aslan. He and Stephen talked about the hearings that P. King is holding. I think many people agree that we should find out what is going on with extremist groups, but focusing on only one group doesn't make sense. Dr. Reza Aslan told Stephen that since 2001, there have been more violent extremist plots against the United States by non-Muslims than by Muslims. And then Stephen took that opportunity to get defensive when Dr. Aslan mentioned Catholics.

Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. Have you forgotten that you gave up Catholicism for Lent?

But it's okay, he's fine. Stephen Colbert had one, two, three good moments at the end of his show.

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