Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Never Said That

Apparently I can not read Stephen's mind. Hypnotizing didn't seem to work either. I didn't see that coming! I will have to work harder at these skills and try again in the future.

Moving on.

I'm sure you all remember when Stephen told us that Jimmy Fallon will match $26,000 of his own money to benefit Donors Choose.

However, on Jimmy Fallon's show last night, Jimmy said, "I never said that."

And this would be what we call a conundrum. The only possible solution was for Stephen to go on Jimmy's show. And he did. He did not stay long and it wasn't a pretty sight.

After Stephen quickly exited the show, Jimmy admitted the only way to come to a reasonable solution was for everyone to help by sending money by Friday. If enough money comes in, Jimmy promised, Promised!!!, that Stephen will come on the Jimmy Fallon Show and sing Rebecca Black's song - "Friday" - with Roots.

Cut back to Stephen Colbert where he is surprised by this singing engagement and said, "This comes as a surprise to me!" or something very similar.

For two people who are supposedly BFFs for six months, the friendship does not seem that strong. I'm just saying.

What everyone needs to do, according to Jimmy Fallon, is to go to and donate.

Or not as Stephen would say. You can also go to colbertnation for more information.

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