Thursday, January 24, 2013

Macaque Attack

Lance Armstrong has finally come clean and Oprah got the big interview. But since she kept the interview under wraps until air time, Stephen had to make stuff up. It was a great example of creative editing and illustrated clearly how careful we all have to be about taking things out of context.

In a Monkey on the Lam update, the monkey has been caught. If you look at this link about the monkey, you will notice that Stephen Colbert is mentioned!

Stephen had a short segment about music lovers, and then on to the interview. Jared Diamond, who I must say, dresses more colorfully than anyone I remember seeing on the show. At least, more colorfully in a conventional suit. But that doesn't matter. His recent book, "The World Until Yesterday" is one of those books that has people longing for the good old days. And we are talking really old days. Stephen learned that he could impress people of some of these traditional cultures with electric can openers. If you aren't familiar with Jared Diamond, he looks exactly like the mascot of the Fighting Irish.

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