Monday, January 21, 2013

Let's See Them Laugh at This

Still catching up on previous episodes from when I was so sick. So, on with the show. Stephen had a fascinating study of the current status of romantic relationships, paying special attention to the great state of Wisconsin. We also got an update on President Obama's Cabinet and how that ties in with that classic Western film, "Blazing Saddles." Why or why did "Blazing Saddles" not get at least one Academy Award?

Luckily for us, the Tip Wag Fans are in the house and we learned about Happy Fork. Use your imagination. You're wrong. Here's the scoop. We also learned about the favorite cereals of the NBA.

Moving quickly along, Ben or Benjamin Gibbard was the guest. It was a very subdued and somewhat short interview. Ben did not have a lot to say. He's from Seattle, so he was dressed formally in jeans and a shirt. Stephen did not have many questions. Sometimes the stars and planets just seem to line up that way. Think of how many times Stephen has a very talkative and even controversial guest  and Stephen has hundreds of questions and comments. Too bad it couldn't work out better and have just one or the other, guest or Stephen, have lots to say. I guess it's true what they say, feast or famine.

Anyway, we did get to hear a song from Ben and there was a special surprise guest who also sang with. Okay, it was Aimee Mann. It was a great performance, nice song - "Bigger Then/Than Love" from the album "Former Lives." I would mention, and by mentioning, I am in no way complaining, but again I would just say that I am mentioning this. I Could Hear the Drums. So, just a word to the wise. Also the title of the song. Is it Then? Is it Than? Correct grammar would probably make me think it is Than. But over at his website, Ben has Then. So, is this just a simple typo? Or is there some deeper/different meaning to the song? I don't know. I'm no expert. Maybe it's just a Seattle thing.

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