Thursday, January 17, 2013

Industrious and Hard Working

How will I ever get caught up now that I'm finally feeling better? I can't do a marathon writing session. That would take me into the wee hours of the morning, I would be over-tired and probably would eat junk food to stay awake and then I would get sick again. So, I'll just write what I can, when I can and keep it short. So...

Stephen told us not to Google Rusty Colbert. So I won't. There is an easy fix for the Fiscal Cliff problem. We just need to mint a Trillion Dollar Coin. Yeah, right. And then someone gives that coin to their grandson who puts it in a piggy bank and there it sits until that kid goes to college. Nope, that's not going to help.

Papa Bear (Bill O'Reilly) put his foot in his mouth with comments about Asians. Apparently he does not understand what stereotyping means. But he does understand the intricacies of logical thinking. He said Asians are not liberal. He said they are hard working. Therefore, and this is slick on his part, Liberals are not hard working, meaning they are lazy. Score one for Papa Bear.

Of course, Stephen is no saint in this department either. He fell into the same traps as Papa Bear. Good thing there are good, and by good I mean excellent, attorneys working for Comedy Central.

The guest on January 7 was Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia fame. If you have never visited Wikipedia, I would ask what planet you are from. Sorry, that was uncalled for. I apologize. Here, look at this page about elephants if you need a refresher about Wikipedia. Wikipedia has 19 billion page views a month and Jimmy Wales said they want to expand it worldwide to make it available to everyone. Growth in the Developing World is what he said (if I remember correctly).

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