Monday, April 9, 2012

Run the Film Backwards

Down under in Australia, they are trying to replace the Easter Bunny with the Easter Bilby. Stephen had many reservations about switching from Easter Bunny to Easter Bilby, but the bilby is so cute. (You can see some pictures under the Project Material tab at Easter Bilby.)

It is becoming more and more evident that the General Election season has started. Generally speaking, most people are willing to settle for Mitt Romney for the GOP candidate. That means the next step will be picking a Veep, or Vice Presidential running mate. While I think Stephen Colbert would make a wonderful choice, balancing out Mitt Romney and providing a little bit of contrast, Stephen went with such obvious possibilities as Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan.

Ah, but then he narrowed it down even more for a great choice for "Mr. Right" -- Steve King. That's right, Congressman Steve King from that great corn state of Iowa. Someone is needed to appeal to the groups that Mitt Romney is weak with, e.g. women, Hispanics, African Americans, Evangelical Christians, and Republicans.

You may remember Representative Steve King from Stephen's Congressional Testimony. (You can watch it here.) Stephen might have said things at the Congressional Testimony that were confusing to Rep. King. It had to do with packing or unpacking corn. Which was it? No matter, it just boils down to the fact that Stephen was a corn-packer.

The main reason Stephen thinks that Congressman King would be a good #2 choice on the GOP ticket is for his nuanced critique of Obamacare. "What I've said is that, in every decade, in every state, there has always been babies that were born, lived, and died, and some of them for a long and healthy life, without ever using a dollar worth of health care expenditures."

Stephen agrees with him. "In every state, babies are born all the time who are delivered at home, don't get any vaccinations, never see a dentist, make it through school without ever getting strep throat, or head lice, or pink eye or mono, have perfect vision, never sick as an adult, keep all of their mental faculties and die happily at the age of 110 surrounded by all their loving children who also were born at home and never got vaccinated or sick."

The show tonight just kept getting, I guess you could say, healthier and healthier, for the most part. There were some personal setbacks for Stephen though. He consoled himself by eating huge amounts of Americone Dream because of this woman in what you might call, "When I grow up..." Watch both videos of her and then try it yourself.

Commercial break here and wouldn't you know it? There was a plug for The Colbert Report and a visit by First Lady Michelle Obama coming up this Wednesday.

As if Stephen wasn't humiliated enough already, his guest, Bob Lutz, is 80 years old. Bob Lutz is the former vice chairman of General Motors. He was primarily on the show to plug his new book, "Car Guys vs. Bean Counters - The Battle for the Soul of American Business." After clarifying for Stephen that he is a Car Guy, they had a nice discussion about cars and business and politics.

Now for the humiliation part. Remember, Bob Lutz is 80 years old. Stephen isn't even 50 years old. So, he's a young guy. Not that any of that matters. However, it turns out that Bob Lutz does 40 push-ups each morning. Easy to say, but can he prove it? Duh, yeah. Stephen and Bob both got up off their chairs and started doing push-ups. I was impressed with both of them. I'm not going to say who did the most push-ups. Let's just say Stephen probably consoled himself with more ice cream after the show.

The sign-off included a short tribute to Mike Wallace who died this past weekend.

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