Monday, February 27, 2012

King Peggy

We got the real scoop on what was important at the Academy Awards, plus Stephen went all Dr. Seuss on us in matters Loraxian.

But as is usually the case, politics happened. Mitt Romney gave a speech last Friday to 1,200 people and 65,000 empty chairs in anticipation of the Michigan Primary tomorrow. He also talked on Saturday about his close ties to NASCAR when asked if he's a fan.

"Not as closely as some of the most ardent fans. But I have some great friends that are NASCAR team owners."

Rick Santorum, on the other hand, has turned his attention to the lofty goal of higher education in that he is apparently very unhappy that the President (what a snob) supports students going on to some sort of career training or college after high school.

We got to see just what Santorum was talking about with the liberal elite educated folks when Hank the HVAC guy was at the studio fixing Stephen's furnace.

But enough about the men, how about the women? Stephen had a most interesting guest on tonight, King Peggy. She, yes she, is an American secretary and King of Otuam, a fishing village in Ghana with a population of about 7,000 people. It's not every day that Stephen has someone like that on the show. In fact, he seldom has secretaries and he seldom has Kings on the show.

Anyway, she also has a book out now: King Peggy - An American Secretary, Her Royal Destiny and the Inspiring Story of How She Changed an African Village.

She explained that the King is the boss and there is also a Queen who has other duties. So it's not necessarily the guy gets to be King and the wife automatically by default becomes Queen. She said that the town was a mess when she got there, but she has been making improvements, such as getting clean water for the village. Stephen and King Peggy also discussed the electoral procedure over in Otuam and Stephen seemed to be wondering if it was an improvement over how we do things. It would be a faster and cheaper way to pick our next leader.

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