Monday, November 28, 2011

Silly Goose

Stephen is back from the Thanksgiving break and has already started celebrating the Christmas season by reminding us about all the fun people had on Black Friday, the traditional day to shop early and shop often. His only warning was to remember to use only Non-lethal weapons as we usher in that time of year when we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace.

Wag of the Finger tonight was for President Barack Obama. However it also applies to other presidents. (This I know from watching Jon Stewart tonight.) Anyway, Barack Obama had this little speech or something on YouTube and talked about Thanksgiving but he did not say God in his speech at all. It seems like this totally ruined the holiday for some people, and by some people I mean his critics. If President Obama had said God in his speech, there would have been absolutely no criticism. The critics would have said what a nice guy Obama is. (And then we wouldn't call them critics.)

Not to be left out in the cold, Mitt Romney also got a segment on the show tonight. He got a Tip of the Hat. It's for his ad. In the ad he quotes Barack Obama as saying, "If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." Funny thing. If you listen to the whole quote, the whole sentence that Barack Obama said, it goes like this: "Senator McCain's campaign actually said and I quote, 'If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose.' "

What a silly goose Mitt is. Coincidentally, Mitt and also Stephen made many references to geese. There was also an old duck that Stephen mentioned.

But just think of all the possibilities if people only use portions of sentences. Herman Cain's tax plan would simply be, "Nine."

Other simplified ( meaning partial) quotes include the following. (If you want the full quotes, you can do some Googling.) Can you figure out what the whole quote was for the following?

Ron Paul: "I believe this nation has drifted"
Herman Cain: "I felt like Moses"
Rick Santorum "Drive morality out of the laws of this country"
Mitt Romney: "God did not create this country" and "Spend more" and "It's high time"

There's lots of fun to be had and mischief to be made by using just snippets of what people say.

If you have been watching all of the "The Colbert Report" shows, you know that since R.E.M. is calling it quits, Stephen has placed Michael Stipe on one of the shelves in the studio. Stephen acknowledged Stipe briefly and then went on with the show.

Stephen checked in with one of his meReporters and found out from Terry Ward at the Situation Bus Stop that the #11 bus is late again.

Wrapping up tonight, the guest was Siddhartha Mukhergee talking about his Pulitzer winning book, "The Emperor of All Maladies - A Biography of Cancer." Stephen and Dr. Mukhergee had an interesting discussion about cancer, somewhat philosophical and also somewhat practical and informative. Good news is that a cancer diagnosis is not nearly as life threatening now as it was only 40 years ago. Lots of treatments are available and cures are even possible.

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