Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rin Tin Tin

I couldn't decide whether to lead with Rin Tin Tin or Bradley Cooper. Granted Bradley Cooper is the Sexiest Man according to People Magazine. But Stephen was not impressed with that choice. And he seemed to be quite impressed with Rin Tin Tin.

More about Mr. Tin later. There was lots of stuff on the show tonight, maybe because next week is a "week off" and so Stephen needed to get everything in before the break. Here's a quick overview of the important stuff.

The Super Committee is charged with finding 1.2 trillion dollars in budget cuts and so far they have come up with nothing.

In the Word, we found out that plans are to reduce vets' health care, sort of a semper fu situation. Stephen did honor the sacrifice of our military folks by declaring, "I honor your sacrifice." (If memory serves me right, though, he did go over to Iraq for a week and really honored the troops there.)

Stephen has a new product - Settin' Square. It's obviously much better than Pushy Pops or Hunger Hammer. It's a piece of plastic about 12 inches by 12 inches and you can set all your favorite foods on it. A newer version also comes in a circular model!

But on to the interview. You might think from the title of this post that the guest tonight was Rin Tin Tin, but no, it is the woman who wrote about Rin Tin Tin. Yes, Susan Orlean wrote the book Rin Tin Tin - The Life and the Legend. I had no idea just how famous Rin Tin Tin was. You can buy the book or get a short introduction to this Hollywood Star over at Wikipedia.

It is curious that Rin Tin Tin and JFK both have important connections to World War I. Was this coincidental or did Stephen plan it this way? I do not know the answer to that, but it is something to ponder.

Final note: Stephen told us all to buy the self-titled album by The Black Belles over at Third Man Records.

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